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Preparedness: Fad, Trend, or Lifestyle
In the last few years there has been a lot of buzz around the topic of personal preparedness. The term “prepper” has been coined to describe someone who stores extra food and supplies. Hundreds of websites have come online addressing this subject, and as many bloggers have jumped on the bandwagon too.
For many of these preparedness is simply the latest trend to get involved in, and for the entrepreneur, an opportunity to make an extra buck. For others, however, it is a way of life, one that reflects the way of wisdom in the midst of uncertain times.
Preparedness as a lifestyle
At Prepare The Way Today Ministries, we embrace preparedness as a lifestyle, from a biblical perspective, with an upward, inward, and outward focus - meaning, God-centered self-sufficiency, done in community, combined with a focus on caring for others beyond our immediate family. It’s the first and second commandments put into practice in the context of crisis. Living a preparedness lifestyle involves both spiritual and practical preparation. The spiritual empowers and guides the practical.
At Prepare The Way Today Ministries we believe that preparedness in the context of disaster or crisis, is the wise response that will afford believers opportunities to express the compassion of Christ in the midst of crisis. We believe that Christians have a responsibility to care for those who will “fall through the cracks” in crisis. To that end we practice a preparedness lifestyle.
Spiritual Preparedness
We have an a page dedicated to preparedness resources and gear, but the primary focus on spiritual preparation. There is vast amounts of information on preparedness gear, supplies, skill sets, and know how, but there are very few in the preparedness community addressing the issues surrounding the spiritual dynamics that come to play in times of crisis. We believe suffering and persecution are coming to the body of Christ in the West. Now is the time to prepare our hearts and minds that we may stand strong in the grace of God in that season.
Prophetic Perspective
On the Prophetic Perspective page we highlight various prophetic warnings and exhortations about various coming events that have been predicted by credible Christian leads in the body of Christ. These fore warnings serve as a 'heads-up" to those who have ears to hear, giving us glimpse into coming events, both negative and positive, that we might respond with faith rather than fear.
Refuge Places
The Refuge Places section deals with several important components involved in developing a place of refuge for ministry in times of crisis. An important aspect is looking at the historical accounts of refuge places and learning from their successes and failures. Another area we address is the practical, hands-on issues involved in developing a place of refuge. I preached an important message at the Gathering Church in Moravian Falls, NC. My message was Refuge Places - The Call for True Shepherds. The video is posted on the Refuge Places page or you can follow this link.
These are exciting days, and days that, as Thomas Pane said in The Crisis, "Times that try men's souls." Thanks for stopping by this website. I hope that you will find the content helpful in your walk as a follower of Christ. Soli Deo gloria!
In the last few years there has been a lot of buzz around the topic of personal preparedness. The term “prepper” has been coined to describe someone who stores extra food and supplies. Hundreds of websites have come online addressing this subject, and as many bloggers have jumped on the bandwagon too.
For many of these preparedness is simply the latest trend to get involved in, and for the entrepreneur, an opportunity to make an extra buck. For others, however, it is a way of life, one that reflects the way of wisdom in the midst of uncertain times.
Preparedness as a lifestyle
At Prepare The Way Today Ministries, we embrace preparedness as a lifestyle, from a biblical perspective, with an upward, inward, and outward focus - meaning, God-centered self-sufficiency, done in community, combined with a focus on caring for others beyond our immediate family. It’s the first and second commandments put into practice in the context of crisis. Living a preparedness lifestyle involves both spiritual and practical preparation. The spiritual empowers and guides the practical.
At Prepare The Way Today Ministries we believe that preparedness in the context of disaster or crisis, is the wise response that will afford believers opportunities to express the compassion of Christ in the midst of crisis. We believe that Christians have a responsibility to care for those who will “fall through the cracks” in crisis. To that end we practice a preparedness lifestyle.
Spiritual Preparedness
We have an a page dedicated to preparedness resources and gear, but the primary focus on spiritual preparation. There is vast amounts of information on preparedness gear, supplies, skill sets, and know how, but there are very few in the preparedness community addressing the issues surrounding the spiritual dynamics that come to play in times of crisis. We believe suffering and persecution are coming to the body of Christ in the West. Now is the time to prepare our hearts and minds that we may stand strong in the grace of God in that season.
Prophetic Perspective
On the Prophetic Perspective page we highlight various prophetic warnings and exhortations about various coming events that have been predicted by credible Christian leads in the body of Christ. These fore warnings serve as a 'heads-up" to those who have ears to hear, giving us glimpse into coming events, both negative and positive, that we might respond with faith rather than fear.
Refuge Places
The Refuge Places section deals with several important components involved in developing a place of refuge for ministry in times of crisis. An important aspect is looking at the historical accounts of refuge places and learning from their successes and failures. Another area we address is the practical, hands-on issues involved in developing a place of refuge. I preached an important message at the Gathering Church in Moravian Falls, NC. My message was Refuge Places - The Call for True Shepherds. The video is posted on the Refuge Places page or you can follow this link.
These are exciting days, and days that, as Thomas Pane said in The Crisis, "Times that try men's souls." Thanks for stopping by this website. I hope that you will find the content helpful in your walk as a follower of Christ. Soli Deo gloria!

About Chuck Reber
Chuck is director of Prepare The Way Today Ministries. His ministry is focused on equipping the body of Christ to understand the times, and then develop practical strategies to respond to the coming events.
It’s a unique joining of prophetic ministry -- analysis and projections of what is coming, coupled with the practical --how to prepare our homes and churches to reach the harvest in crisis.
Chuck has served as a pastor for over 40 years with the SBC and in the Vineyard movement. For the past several years Chuck has given increased emphasis in his teaching, and consulting on the urgency of raising up refuge places as communities of hope in times of crisis.
Chuck and his wife, Linda, currently enjoy life in the foothills of Central Ohio. They are developing a prayer retreat and refuge, hosting Bible teaching and training seminars, while enjoying fellowship with friends, homesteading, hunting, and just being with the Lord in the great outdoors.
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Chuck is director of Prepare The Way Today Ministries. His ministry is focused on equipping the body of Christ to understand the times, and then develop practical strategies to respond to the coming events.
It’s a unique joining of prophetic ministry -- analysis and projections of what is coming, coupled with the practical --how to prepare our homes and churches to reach the harvest in crisis.
Chuck has served as a pastor for over 40 years with the SBC and in the Vineyard movement. For the past several years Chuck has given increased emphasis in his teaching, and consulting on the urgency of raising up refuge places as communities of hope in times of crisis.
Chuck and his wife, Linda, currently enjoy life in the foothills of Central Ohio. They are developing a prayer retreat and refuge, hosting Bible teaching and training seminars, while enjoying fellowship with friends, homesteading, hunting, and just being with the Lord in the great outdoors.
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